The Lonely Funeral
Sam Rasnake
‘‘The Lonely Funeral” project [the Netherlands]
will provide a civil servant and a poet for the
committal service if the deceased has no one to
take charge or attend.
—Upworthy, storytelling website
No one is buried alone
If there’s no family
or friends or lover
no one to acknowledge
a life has been lived—to say
someone breathed walked spoke
among us—to say the dead was known
and will be missed
no one to list successes endeavors
something—no matter how small or
great—even failures can work given
the right setting—a joke maybe
or beautiful anecdote—and
if there’s no one to say
the dead was loved
a civil servant is sent to
have someone official—an authorized
sendoff—isn’t that in some way what we
all want—words spoken even though
no one will remember—no
one will care
a poet as well who will write
a poem to read as eulogy—and
since nothing is really known
about the dead
the words must be flowers & wind
colors of the sky blended—there
must be rain & fence & pigs
chickens & herds of cattle & goats
in the poem—a path someone is walking
trees & fields of wheat—a stream
will always be flowing in the verse
bustards & cuckoos &
geese against clouds
crows of course
leaving behind a box
a name
a body in the ground
remembered in this poem
with these words
spoken to the night saying
No one is buried alone …
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